Phone: 732.702.1416
My Image Matters LLC
Lifestyle transformation through:
Encouragement, Education, Execute
9300 Conroy Windermere Rd, Unit 344
Windermere FL, 34786-9998
Most believers are shocked when they discovered on average how much they spend on fees / interest / penalties annually.ATM fees /Bank feesOverdraft feesCredit card feesMaintenance feesInterest / late fees /penaltiesThis credit / debt issue “Land of the Fees “expose/ focuses on understanding the economic consequences of a poor credit/ debit chooses and how it can impact us from reaching our Destiny .
The first step in creating the credit and debt image that truly reflects the REAL you and the lifestyle transformation you are promised, is learning and being knowledgeable about “credit” and “debt”.
“You can’t undo the past – but look forward
and work toward your future!” Wyatt
This chapter suggest a strategy to activate your authority to re-claiming your uneconomical spending.
Your Budget is Your Game Plan
Image Matters believes in the scripture of
John 10:10 which states,
“The thief comes to steal and destroy. I came that th
may have life and have it abundantly
A life more abundantly includes a stress-free life not living in fear, not living in brokenness, a life of wholeness, living without bad debt or paying high interest rates.